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industry insights


How to Handle a Company Crisis

This blog will discuss: How individuals deal with pre-crisis preparation and risk management Examples of poorly managed corporate crises Companies successfully navigating through a public relations disaster Steps needed to control the narrative How an advertising agency’s public relations and social media specialists can manage any crisis

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Visual Search: Are You Ready For Google's Next Big Thing?

Picture This: How Searches Are About to Change

If you think voice search is the latest thing, consider this: 90% of all information received by the brain is visual 62% of Gen Z and millennial consumers want visual search more than any other technology Pinterest processes more than 600 million visual searches per month The image recognition market

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Using Augmented and Virtual Reality to Promote Your Business

Augmented and Virtual Reality: The Next Big Thing

Toward the end of 2018, we posted a blog which predicted the biggest trends for 2019. Now as we approach the end of 2019, we can see that one of the trends on last year’s list should not only get the top spot on anyone’s list of trends for 2020,

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