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industry insights

Is the Age of Influencers Coming to an End?

There are those who think when the government regulates business, it stifles productivity. Others think regulations protect us all from unscrupulous companies that would sell horse meat labeled as prime rib. The internet—home to Lonelygirl15, Craigslist, internet dating, and fake news—has never lent itself to regulation. The Federal Trade Commission

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Why Are You Reading This?

In 1999, Peter Merholz introduced a new word. He contracted the phrase web log to blog, and the online world has never been the same. That year, there were 23 blogs on the internet. Today, over 3 million blogs are written every day.

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How Much Should You Expect From Social Media?

A few years ago, businesses began hearing the social media hype. Common knowledge said that businesses not on social media would be left behind, so your business got on Facebook and Twitter and you expected sales to go through the roof, but nothing changed. Sales didn’t increase one bit. Were

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Do You Have a Digital Strategy?

No matter what business you’re in, to be successful, you need to advertise. As much as 90% of what one owns—or has ever owned—was purchased because of advertising’s subconscious effects.

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