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the ask

A top household cleaning brand tasked us with launching their new TikTok account to increase brand awareness & product visibility, as well as grow their audience online.

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the task

The strategy was to develop a TikTok campaign that would entertain and capture a user’s attention while showcasing the brand’s products and values to a new social audience.

the action

To showcase the brand’s products in a fun and creative way, we partnered with popular TikTok influencers and user-generated content creators. We then posted this content on the client’s TikTok, and ran ads for maximum reach, engagement, and followers. This not only grew the account, but also overall brand awareness as we reached a new audience age group on a platform with a historically younger demographic.

by the numbers

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video views

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the results

In less than a year our client has garnered thousands of quality TikTok followers and likes and millions of video views. Our innovative approach, creative content, and strategic planning helped us to build a large following with an excellent engagement rate. Our efforts have not only increased their brand awareness and product visibility, but also grown their social audience online. We’re proud to have played a part in their success, and we’re excited to continue.