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industry insights

Understanding the Wealth of Information in Google Analytics

Revealing the Wealth of Information in Google Analytics

It’s no myth that the internet has had a significant impact on business. If you want proof, go to your favorite once-bustling mall and see how many stores have vanished. In the last two years alone, here’s a list that shows a fraction of the retailers who have filed for

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How to Write Quality Web Content for a Skeptical Generation

Writing Quality Content for Skeptics

We all think of ourselves as being honest, so we expect others to believe the things we say. If we tell someone our age or where we grew up, we’d be shocked if they demanded proof. We want others to take us at our word. No proof required.

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Web Video: How to Stay Current Using the Biggest Web Trend

How to Stay Current with the Surge in Video

Don’t you love statistics? Everyday things that we never even think about can suddenly seem amazing when given as a statistic. For example, you may not think you talk on the phone much, but the average American spends six months of their life talking on the phone. And the next

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Improve Your Google Ranking for Those Using Voice Search

How to Improve Your Ranking in a Voice Search

It was only eight years ago, on October 4, 2011, that Apple introduced Siri, the first mobile voice assistant. It seems like we’ve always been able to get directions, find a restaurant, make a call or send a text by just asking our smartphone’s voice assistant.

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